Background: The team had implemented a formalized change control process, including adding a change request form inside the application.
Intent: The intent was to provide instructions for using the change request form, including instructions for all roles with review and approval authority. In addition, the team needed to outline the process and explain the benefits of the process, which were not apparent to all stakeholders.
- Overview
- The SWB Change Control Workflow
- The Change Request Screen
- Accessing the Change Request Screen
- Overview of Create Change Request and Review CR Buttons
- Overview of the List of CR Records
- Filtering the List of CRs
- Submitting a Change Request
- Conducting Service Unit Review and Approval
- Conducting Technical Evaluation
- Conducting Program Manager Review
- Conducting CCB Review
- Entering Deployment Schedule Information
Staffing Workbook (SWB) stakeholders have formalized a change control process to ensure change requests (CR) undergo vetting, planning, and approval. SWB includes a CR form and corresponding workflow.
This process benefits the SWB community by:
- Providing customers a direct method for requesting system modifications (called “changes”).
- Allowing technical staff to devise the most appropriate approach for development and implementation.
- Allowing managers to prioritize work.
- Assisting stakeholders in identifying and then managing technical and business risks.
The SWB Change Control Workflow
Six stages comprise the change control workflow.
- Submission: Any SWB user can submit a CR.
- Service unit review and approval: Management staff from the requestor’s service unit review and approve the request.
- Technical evaluation: Technical staff devise the technical approach and determine time estimates for development and implementation.
- Program manager review: The program manager, who retains ultimate authority for approving or not approving a request, notes their concurrence or non-concurrence.
- Change Control Board (CCB) review and approval: The CCB, composed of program and project managers, considers recommendations entered during previous review and evaluation stages, ensures proposed work aligns with business objectives, and prioritizes activities.
- Deployment scheduling: Once approved and prioritized, the technical team and project managers schedule deployment and document deployment information.
The Change Request Screen
Accessing the Change Request Screen
To navigate to the Change Request screen, hover your mouse pointer over the Help menu and then select Change Request.
Overview of Create Change Request and Review CR Buttons
The top portion of the screen includes buttons for Create Change Request and Review CR (see the following sections for more information about creating and reviewing CRs). The Review CR button shows CRs awaiting your review based on your role (i.e., if you have CRs to review as a service unit reviewer and approver, technical reviewer, program manager, or CCB reviewer and approver). If no CRs are awaiting your review, a note appears, stating No record to review (this note appears when you hover your mouse pointer over the Review CR button).
Overview of the List of CR Records
The bottom portion of the screen lists CRs by number along with CR Title, Date Submitted, Functional Area, Requestor Name, Org Code, and CR Status. Click a hyperlinked CR number to view the corresponding CR form.
Filtering the List of CRs
Change Request View allows you to filter CRs appearing in the list (Active or Closed).
In addition, you can filter CRs using the filter fields and dropdowns in the top row of the table—enter or select desired filter criteria in the appropriate field. You can filter based on any of the column information: CR Number, CR Title, Date Submitted, Functional Area, Requestor Name, Org Code, and CR Status.
To remove selected filters, click the Clear All Filters button. Click the Export CR Report button to download the list of CRs in an Excel file. Note: When exporting a CR report, the resulting Excel file includes all filters applied to your view.
Submitting a Change Request
To submit a change request:
- From the Change Request screen, click Create Change Request.
- The Change Request Form appears.
- The system automatically generates a CR number (a unique identifier) and auto-populates the date.
- Select your Organization.
- In the Title field, enter a brief, descriptive title for the requested modification.
- In the Type of Change row, click New Function or Change Existing Function, as appropriate.
- In the Reason of Change field, briefly explain the business need this change will address.
- To attach a file, such as a screenshot, click Browse and then navigate to and select the file.
- The system automatically populates Requestor Name, Requestor Phone, Requester Email, and Requester Routing.
- When finished entering form information, click the Submit button, which moves the CR to the Service Unit Review and Approval stage.
Note: Clicking Reset clears all entered information while remaining on the Change Request form. Clicking Cancel allows you to leave the screen without saving entered information.
Conducting Service Unit Review and Approval
To conduct service unit review and approval:
- From the Change Request screen, click Review CR.
- A table appears, listing the CRs submitted for your review. Click Review (far-right side of the row) or hyperlinked CR number to access the change record.
- The Change Request Edit screen appears. The CR submission, including title, description, reason, and attachments, appears under General Information. Enter your review under the Service Unit Review heading.
- Enter comments in Service Unit Comments. This field is optional.
- Select the appropriate option from Service Unit Decision: Approved, Not Approved, Hold, or Return.
- Selecting Approved (and then clicking Submit) moves the CR to the Technical Evaluation stage.
- Selecting Not Approved (and then clicking Submit) ends the process for this particular CR—this record will neither proceed further through the workflow nor return to the requestor for updates or corrections. The requestor receives a system-generated email stating the CR was not approved and was closed, along with reasoning. This email also includes contact information, in case the requestor wants the CR to receive further consideration.
- Selecting Hold (and then clicking Submit or Save) keeps the CR in the Service Unit Review and Approval stage.
- Selecting Return (and then clicking Submit) sends the CR back to the requestor. You can use this option if you need the requestor to provide more information or otherwise remediate deficiencies. The requestor receives a system-generated email as notification about the returned CR.
- The system automatically populates the Service Unit Decision Date, SU Reviewer Name, SU Reviewer Phone, SU Reviewer Email, and SU Reviewer Routing Code.
Note: If you want to save your entered form data but are not yet ready to move the CR, click Save. Clicking Reset clears information you entered while remaining on the Change Request Edit screen. Clicking Cancel allows you to leave the Change Request Edit screen without saving entered information.
Conducting Technical Evaluation
To conduct technical evaluation:
- From the Change Request screen, click Review CR.
- A table appears, listing the CRs ready for technical review. Click the Review button (far-right side of the row) or the hyperlinked CR number to access the change record.
- The Change Request Edit screen appears. The CR submission, including title, description, reason, and attachments, appears under the General Information heading, and the service unit review information appears under Service Unit Review. Once technical staff review the request, enter review information in the Technical Evaluation section.
- If the requested modification is the same as another CR or a part of another CR, select that CR number from Covered under another CR?
- Enter the corresponding Jira ticket number (each CR has a corresponding record within Jira.)
- Select the appropriate option in the Functional Area list (Employee, Facility, Reports, ERR Management, New Hire, NEST, Project Assignments, Reference Materials, MSS Paytool, Training, User Admin, or Help). You can select multiple values in this list.
- In the Technical Review field, enter salient information regarding the technical review.
- In the corresponding fields, enter the Time Estimate (in hours) and Cost Estimate.
- Select the appropriate option in Technical Recommendation: Proceed, Not Proceed, or Hold.
- Selecting Proceed (and then clicking Submit) moves the CR to the Program Manager Review stage.
- Selecting Not Proceed (and then clicking Submit) also moves the CR to the Program Manager Review stage, although this designation denotes the technical team has concerns about approving the CR.
- Selecting Hold (and then clicking Submit) keeps the CR in the Technical Review stage.
- Enter Technical Comments. This field is not required.
- The system automatically populates the Technical Recommendation Date.
Note: If you want to save your entered form data but are not yet ready to move the CR, click Save. Clicking Reset clears all information you have entered while remaining on the Change Request Edit screen. Â Clicking Cancel allows you to leave the Change Request Edit screen without saving entered information.
Conducting Program Manager Review
To conduct program manager review:
- From the Change Request screen, click Review CR.
- A table appears, listing the CRs ready for program manager review. Click the Review button (far right side of the row) or hyperlinked CR number to access the change record.
- The Change Request Edit screen appears. The CR submission, including title, description, reason, and attachments, appears under the General Information heading; the service unit review information appears under the Service Unit Review heading; and technical review information appears under the Technical Evaluation heading.
- Enter comments in Program Manager Comments. This field is not required.
- Select your decision from the dropdown: Concur, Non-Concur, Hold, or Adjudicated Outside Board.
- Selecting Concur (and then clicking Submit) moves the CR to the CCB Review stage.
- Selecting Non-Concur (and then clicking Submit) closes the CR as not approved. The requestor receives a system-generated email stating the CR was not approved and was closed, along with the reason the CR was not approved. This email also includes contact information, in case the requestor wants the CR to receive further consideration.
- Selecting Hold (and then clicking Submit) keeps the CR in the Program Manager Review stage.
- Selecting Adjudicated Outside Board indicates you, as program manager, are approving this request prior to CCB consultation. If you select this option and then click Submit, the form moves to CCB review, but the CCB will review the request for informational purposes only.
Note: If you want to save your entered form data but are not yet ready to moves the CR, click Save. Clicking Reset clears information you have entered while remaining on the Change Request Edit screen. Clicking Cancel allows you to leave the Change Request Edit screen without saving entered information.
Conducting CCB Review
To conduct CCB review:
- From the Change Request screen, click Review CR.
- A table appears, listing the CRs ready for CCB review. Click Review (far-right side of the row) or hyperlinked CR number to access the change record.
- The Change Request Edit screen appears. The CR submission, including title, description, reason, and attachments, appears under the General Information heading; the service unit review information appears under the Service Unit Review heading; the technical review information appears under the Technical Evaluation heading; and the program manager review information appears under the Program Manager Review heading.
- Enter comments in the Change Control Board Decision Comments field.
- Select the appropriate option for Change Control Board Decision: Approved, Not Approved, or Hold.
- Selecting Approved (and then clicking Submit) moves the form to the Deployment Scheduling stage. At this point, the CR is approved. Note: If you select Approved, another field, Change Priority Number, appears. See below for more information about this field.
- Selecting Not Approved (and then clicking Submit) closes the CR as not approved. The requestor receives a system-generated email stating the CR was not approved and was closed, along with the reason the CR was not approved. This email also includes contact information, in case the requestor wants the CR to receive further consideration.
- Selecting Hold (and then clicking Submit) keeps the CR in the CCB Review Stage.
Change Priority Number: After selecting Approved, enter the prioritization value. The technical team uses the CCB’s prioritization decision when placing the activity on the deployment schedule.
Entering Deployment Schedule Information
Following CCB approval, the change form moves back to the technical team so the team can capture deployment information.
The Deployment Schedule section includes fields for Release Priority (which may differ from change priority as determined by the CCB), Planned Release Number (for example, “release 2.25”), Actual Release Number, Planned Release Date, Actual Release Date, and Deployment Comments. The CR closes once a team member enters the actual release date.