Background: The team maintains SOPs to document standardized, repeatable processes. This document follows an organizational SOP template.
Intent: The intent is to provide up-to-date instructions so that any qualified team member could perform these steps. If the usual point of contact was not reachable, any DBA could use these instructions to ensure continuity of operations.
Standard Operating Procedure
This document covers loading previous experience (PE) employees into Staffing Workbook (SWB). AJG-P23 sends the SWB team a list of PE placements, and then the SWB team loads each PE employee into the system. First, though, the SWB team must ensure the PE employee doesn’t already appear in the database.
This standard operating procedure (SOP) applies to the AJG-P24 team.
Effective Date
March 4, 2024
Process Owner
[Name redacted], Technical Requirements Analysis Team, AJG-P24
[Name redacted], Technical Requirements Analysis Team, AJG-P24
PE refers to new hires with previous air traffic experience, such as military controllers or former FAA employees who are returning. AJG-P23 sends an email containing a list of PE placements.
When a new hire receives a real [field name redacted] from the Federal Personnel and Payroll System (FPPS), the system loads that data into all SWB environments. P23 can also create a temporary assignment, which allows them to assign an employee to a facility before a record exists in FPPS. Because SWB doesn’t allow more than one database record for an employee, the SWB team must confirm whether a database record already exists for a PE employee.
- Open the “Previous Experience Placement” email, sent from AJG-P23, which contains the list of PE employees.
- Search [table name redacted] for each noted employee. If you find an employee with a similar name but aren’t completely certain it’s the same person, contact AJG-P23 for assistance. Currently, an employee is supposed to have been out of the FAA for at least 12 months before they can come back. If you find a PE employee who hasn’t been gone for at least 12 months, that’s likely not the same person. However, you should still contact AJG-P23 for confirmation. (This rule might change in the future.)
- Step 3 depends on whether the new hire appears in [table name redacted].
- Go to [table name redacted].
- Duplicate the newest record and then update the record:
- Clear out [field name redacted].
- Enter the employee’s name.
- Enter the employee’s record number (noted in the “Previous Experience Placement” email).
- Enter the employee’s case number (noted in the “Previous Experience Placement” email).
- Commit, which generates a new [field name redacted] and adds the new record to [table name redacted]. NOTE: Contact the SWB database administrator (DBA) if committing doesn’t generate a new [field name redacted]. Ask the DBA to turn on the trigger (sometimes, the nightly load turns off the trigger).
- Change [field name redacted] to [value redacted].
- Change [field name redacted] to [value redacted].
- Change [field name redacted] to [value redacted].
- Change [field name redacted] to [value redacted].
- Change [field name redacted] to [value redacted].
- Note the employee’s [field name redacted] and then check their [field name redacted] in [table name redacted]. The table must contain correct information to ensure success of the nightly load.
- Filter on the [field name redacted].
- Ensure the latest record is [value redacted] and not [value redacted] or [value redacted].
If the new hire doesn’t appear in the table:
If the new hire appears in the table: Once you’ve verified the existing employee record is the same person, activate the record by updating the following five data elements:
Points of Contact
Title | Name | Phone | Email |
Team Manager, AJG-P24 | Redacted | Redacted | Redacted |
Senior Business Analyst (Air Traffic Data SME) | Redacted | Redacted | Redacted |
SWB Database Engineer | Redacted | Redacted | Redacted |
Senior DBA | Redacted | Redacted | Redacted |
Change Log
Date | Description of Change |
April 25, 2024 | Replaced references to “[value redacted]” with “[value redacted].” |
March 4, 2024 | Initial version |